Tuesday, July 27, 2010

HYP Urban Ranch Party

Quarter page flier for Habitat Young Professional Urban Ranch Party. There's a mini-bull at this ranch,  and his name is  Chuey. Also, I have no idea what "Bucket Head" or "Karate Kid" are in terms of games- I'm gonna let it be a surprise.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Start it off with a bang!

So we all have to start somewhere- for  JAC & CO., it was with a few bottles of wine, an inescapable feeling of ennui with my previous brand, & what ended up being a constant stream of Mad Men playing in the background. It wasn't planned to launch on the same weekend as the coming season premier any more than I planned to let it trickle into my mind while I put JAC & CO. together, but it is, and I did, and the least I can do it pay tribute. And so, JAC & CO. presents: